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Showing posts from March, 2017

How to Tell Your Own Life Story

How to Tell Your Own Life Story What’s your life story? I don’t mean where you grew up, went to school, got your first job, etc. I mean what’s your STORY?  What narrative have you constructed from the events of your life? And do you know that this is the single most important question you can ask yourself? According to the  fascinating field of “narrative psychology,”  the stories we tell about ourselves are the key to our well-being. If you’ve interpreted the events of your life to mean that you’re unlucky or unwise, it’s hard to look optimistically at the future. Conversely, if you acknowledge that you’ve made mistakes and faced difficulties but seek (or have already glimpsed) redemption, you’ll feel a much greater sense of agency over your life. That time you were laid off, for example, is it further proof that your career’s going nowhere? Or is it the best thing that ever happened, liberating you to find work that suits you better? What about your div...