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Best List of Final Year Research Project Topics

Find below a comprehensive Best List of Final Year Research Project Topics. The research projects have been compiled by our team of authors and the list keeps on being increased. We are aiming to reach 1000 Best Final Year Research Project Topics.
Some of the course topics we cover include;
·         Media and Communication Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Economics Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Business Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Education Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Mathematics Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Human Resource Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Engineering Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Information Science Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Political Science Final Year Research Project Topics
·         Management Final Year Research Project Topic
·         Law Final Year Research Projects
·         Medicine Final Year Research Projects
·         Arts  and sciences Final Year Research Projects
We have begun by listing final year research projects on courses like media and communication and economics. By the end of the week we would have covered all other courses Listed above.
Media and communication Final year research project topics
1.      The role of television in the electoral process in Kenya
2.      The role of media in re-branding Kenya
3.      The challenges facing freedom of the press in Kenya
4.      Analysis of Newspapers on the coverage of crime in Kenya
5.      The role of the media in the campaign against poaching in Kenya
6.      The role of the media in the campaign against drug abuse in Kenya
7.      The role of the campus press in the campaign against corruption in University
8.      The role of the media in the campaign against corruption in Kenya
9.      Significance of phone conversation in the Kenya radios
10. The role of the media in empowering women
11. Role of the media in educational development in Kenya
12. The role of the media in promoting culture among youths
13. The impact of media in a winning candidate in an election
14. Media as a tool for national integration
15. The impact of local media on HIV/AIDS eradication in Kenya
16. The role of media in economical development of Kenya
17. The use of government owned media houses for spreading propaganda
18. Effectiveness of Male vs. female anchors
19. Challenges facing community based radio stations
20. The role of media in enhancement of national security
Economic final year research project topics
1.      The impact of online banking on the economic growth of Kenya
2.      The impact of increasing interest rates on manufacturing area of the Kenyan economy
3.      Financial division development and the economy of Kenya
4.      Impacts of electronic banking in Kenya banks
5.      Effect of foreign investment on the economic development of Kenya
6.      The determining factor of investment in Kenya
7.      The impact of agricultural production on the economy of Kenya
8.      The impact of exchange rates on manufacturing industries
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